
Monday, July 1, 2013


reporter: Miguel Dominguez

Eric Buechel with Joyce Towbin Chasan

On June 18 at Artsource International LLC, art consultant Joyce Towbin Chasan arranged an exhibit by invitation only for the followers of Eric Buechel's art. It was the kind of ideal art exhibition where all the guests are truly interested in the art being exposed, being the complete opposite of some of the trendy galleries in Chelsea, where a lot of the gallery goers do so in order to "make the scene."

Sweethearts Caprice Benedetto and Eric

"Born in 1968 and based in Tribeca, New York, Eric R. Buechel is best known as a visual artist for his combination of subtle technical grasp and fierce emotional intensity. His organic formations borrow as much from the mischievous spontaneity of abstract expressionists like Franz Kline and Willem de Kooning as from their pan-optical cubist predecessors like Pablo Picasso and Juan Gris. What seem at first to be overexcited, restless silhouettes and contours become, on reflection, calm, unburdened reflections on the natural world. These works have recently begun to border on the partially figurative. Buechel’s Rorschach-like patterns invite interpretation on a level altogether different from strictly abstract artists. His uninhibited and frenzied organization of line and shape questions the relationship between representative art and the physical world. Unlike more radical post-modern art, his turbulent optical chaos inevitably resolves into an attainment of form through suggestion."
—E.A. Hilbert, Ph.D., M.St., Oxford University

Randy Lombard, wearing a rather impressive pearl necklace, with Alan

Joyce with Polly Guerin of PollyTalk from NewYork, and Caprice

Joe Oyer Tomas on the far right

Jody Schwartz at center with Austin Root behind her wearing black

Patricia Duarte and Joyce

Rob Schlesinger, Howard Schlesinger,  Alan, Brigitte Mulhollan and  Dr. Jeffrey Levine with Mr. & Mrs. Steven Lutt

Eric and Polly

Alan and Joyce with her dear friend Darryl

Publicist Randahl Hoey talks to Lucy Boshier with Michael Brummel at right

Janice Eckhart, Judith Oas Natalucci and Patricia Duarte

Judith with Patricia

Caprice with Karla Otis and Eric

Jace from Ford Models with Eric

Sunny Facer

Jolana Blau, Randahl Hoey, David Schulder

Monte Bernstein and Eric with Mike Brummel

Dr. Joseph Towbin and Helena Marks conversing on the right

Roger Noble with Steven and Karen Lutt

Monte and Frank D. Gretz

Iva Kravite pops a cherry tomato in her mouth with Janice and Judith to her left

Joyce and Hernando Courtright

On the far left, Eric's Mom Diane holds a rose

Joyce and Thomas Knapp


To see more photos of this event, CLICK HERE

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