
Sunday, March 2, 2014


reporter: Miguel Dominguez

Inkwell with figures of the four Cardinal Virtues. c.1480. Italy

Sam Fogg, leading dealer in medieval art, presented a ground breaking exhibition showcasing remarkable examples of European manuscripts, paintings, sculpture, and stained glass spanning from the 12th to the 16th century at Richard L. Feigen & Co., on January 29th.

Saints Costas and Damian heal a Christian with the leg of a dead Ethiopian. León, Spain. c.1460-80

This is the third time Sam Fogg, a London based dealer, has collaborated with Richard L. Feigen, following their highly acclaimed exhibition of medieval works of art in New York in Winter 2010-2011. A fully illustrated catalogue will accompany the exhibition.

Christ Resurrected. Andreas Frosch. c.1520. Germany

Katharina Otto-Bernstein with Frances F. L. Beatty, Ph.D., President of Richard L. Feigen & Co.

Standing Virgin and Child. Early 14th century. Meuse Valley.


Of particular significance there was a large 15th century Benedictine astronomical calendar from the Romanesque abbey of San Zeno in Verona. The abbey, erected in the 9th century and the city’s official residence for the Holy Roman Emperors, was largely destroyed during the Napoleonic wars. The only surviving example of its kind, this astronomical calendar is composed of rotating discs of wood and painted parchment, allowing for the simultaneous display of phases of the moon, signs of the Zodiac and feast days of individual Saints.

Other highlights included a rare English Alabaster altarpiece (c.1440-1460) made for a chapel in Asturias, Spain.

A large and beautifully preserved Spanish masterpiece of early 15th century Aragonese painting
by Nicholás Solana

Palmesel (Palm Donkey). c.1350-1400. Franconia?


At only 9cm high, but not to be missed, is the Imhof prayerbook, a jewel of an illuminated manuscript painted in Antwerp in 1511 by an artist once described as “ the greatest master in the art of illumination in all of Europe”, Simon Bening (1483-1561). The prayer book was created for Hans Imhof, a merchant banker and friend of Durer, for private devotion. This manuscript, with its original red velvet binding retaining an elaborate German silver clasp, is Bening’s earliest dateable work.

An iconic aquamanile. Early 15th century. Lower Saxony.

Thomas Kreh and Anne Woollett with Frances

Champlevé enamel chasse. c.1200. Limoges

Triptych. c.1500-20. Castile.

St. John the Baptist. c.1460. Netherlands

Frances and Josuah Glaser

More like a party than an art exhibit was the very lively atmosphere at the event.
I put the blame squarely on Edward Just's shoulders, responsible for the impeccable catering.

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