
Monday, May 5, 2014

LLADRO Unveils 'NATURO fantastic'

reporter: Miguel Dominguez

April 28th was the date  the Lladró showroom in midtown Manhattan had a presentation of their latest series in ceramics that goes by the name of 'NATURO fantastic'.

The Greco like, elongated figures in a very limited palette of pastel colors that were produced for such a long period of time, making Lladró a household name among Latin American housewives, are practically a thing of the past.

From naturalistic, to whimsical, to right down surreal, from Blanc de Chine, to Bisque, to gold painted on white, the more recent series Lladró is putting out are coveted jewels for the home that make true art lovers wonder how they are not in a major museum keeping company with the Meissen figurines of three centuries ago, the exquisiteness of their execution being the best anything could possibly be.

In order to enhance the alternate Blanc de Chine version of the otherwise very colorful NATUROfantastic version, Lladró commissioned Carlo's Bake Shop to create sculptures of baked pastry in the NATURO style.

Carlo's Bakery also made some cake sculptures for the windows.

The following images are of other series that have become exceedingly popular with interior designers, who are always showing them at the different Show Houses they participate in.

An assortment of home aromatics

This Horsey Set uses horse legs for handles and horse heads as feet for the bowls

Much beloved by middle class housewives, the old style Lladró of elongated figures decorated in very pale pastel colors are a minor part of production nowadays. The figurines above, depicting everyday situations, and the romantic ones below, show a slightly more realistic style to the old one.

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